Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Missing in action....one coach's wife

I don't even know where to start with the excuses as to why I went missing. There has been so much that has happened since starting this crazy blog and so much that continues to happen as I type. Becoming a mom of 2 rocked my world, turning into an IF teacher a few months into the year changed my entire classroom set-up, and life has definitely thrown our family some curve balls. I've realized that I'm definitely not super mom, teacher of the year, and wife of the century, but darn it I'm trying. And to me that's all that matters.

 Life as a coach's wife has gotten interesting again as soccer season has started. Oh how different it is to be a soccer wife compared to a football wife. Let's be honest, I was made for a football more than anything- which is why coach's search for a permanent football position will continue in the Spring. I'm keeping the hope that he will find a place where his heart is happy and his talent is appreciated because let me tell y'all the man is amazing at what he does and how he thinks and sees football. I've never felt so strongly about what someone else should be doing for a living, but by golly this is his calling.

We will see where the soccer season takes us....stay tuned for soccer stories and stories of life taking crazy twists.